Now, I have gone through bottles and bottles of foundations, all different as I love trying out new things and never tend to stick to the same one, but these are the four I have most recently tried and tested so I thought I would do a mini review for each of them and compare them to show you if it's worth splurging on an expensive foundation or just sticking to drug store brands which are much cheaper.
Rimmel London Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation in 100 Ivory
Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation with SPF 15 in 100 Ivory
Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Foundation with SPF 20 in 2 Ivory
Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation with SPF 15 in NC15
Rimmel London Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation
The hardest thing for me to find in a foundation is one that exactly matches my skin tone, and although this doesn't exactly match I feel like it contains the right hues so that he can easily blend into my skin and make it look like there is no foundation there. The coverage on this foundation is really good and this is by far the best out of them all for my particular skin type. This is the only one I have repurchased on more than one occasion. As for the 25 Hour part, this is not the case, but I doubt it will ever be the case, no foundation is ever going to last 25 hours, but it lasts long enough so I don't have to reapply all day, which is what most people look for in a foundation, so that's the good thing about it. The only thing I have a problem with is the glass bottles, I've never been a fan of glass bottles especially as when it seems as if the product is finished with, there is actually still half a bottle left in there with no way of getting it out, but I suppose for such a cheap price there's not really a lot to complain about.

Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation
Another one of my favourites, this has been repurchased once so far, and I will probably go ahead and purchase it again. I love Rimmel foundations, because they have the right amount of coverage, however, for people with more problem skin you can only use a pea sized amount of this on your entire face, because if you use more the tiny amount of glitter in it becomes more then a small amount and your face just looks like a big ball of glitter (may be exaggerating slightly). When I'm having a bad day with my skin I much prefer using a different foundation with more coverage. A negative for me was this foundation, as it is supposed to, makes your face looks glowy and dewy, however I much prefer it when my face is more matte so I do prefer other foundations for that reason, but there's always the option to use powder over the top which mattifies it a bit.
Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation
This being the most expensive foundation by far, should live up to high expectations. A massive bonus with this foundation is the colour matches my skin exactly, which is hard to find with drug store foundations mainly because you have no-one who is able to advise you on the best colour to use, however, at the time I was using this regularly I felt like I had to put a lot on my skin to cover up all the problems I was having, I feel like though if I was to repurchase this again while my skin is much more improved then it used to be I would enjoy it much more. The good thing about it, however, is that it is build-able so it can be used as a lighter foundation or a heavier one so it suits a lot more people. The SPF within the foundation is also a bonus, although definitely not normally necessary while living in England, ha! All in all, although I don't think this foundation is worth the price for me personally, I can see what makes it a great product and why it would be perfectly suited for some people and therefore would be worth paying a little extra.

Collection Lasting Perfection Foundation
First of all, with this foundation you can certainly tell that it is the cheapest out of them all, the texture is not as smooth and it is harder to apply and blend evenly to even out your skin tone. This was the lightest colour I could get in Boots at the time I bought it so I'm not sure if there is a lighter one or not, but this was certainly not the right colour for me, and even when blended you could tell where it had been applied even though usually the colour 'Ivory' goes perfectly with my skin tone. I may try and purchase the lighter coloured one and see if that improves my opinion of it, even a little bit, but even without looking at the colour difference the formula is definitely not the best being a bit heavier and gloopy. I wouldn't recommend to anyone who doesn't want a high coverage, cakey foundation.
Finally here are the swatches from l-r; Rimmel Lasting Finish, Rimmel Wake Me Up, Collection Lasting Perfection, Mac Studio Sculpt
I hope you notice the improved quality of the pictures from my previous posts, i'm still using my Nikon D3000 but i feel like I've significantly improved the lighting and got a bit more into editing. I guess it can only get better!