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Friday, 24 January 2014

Simple OOTD

It's friday and i have no uni, but i do have a few things i need to do so unfortunately i had to actually make the effort to get out of bed. However, i'm wearing as comfortable clothes as possible so it feels like i get to be in my pyjamas all day. (yay!)

Leggings - New Look / Jumper - Topshop

Boots - Primark

Necklace - River Island

Lipstick - Rimmel Colour Rush in 'Drive Me Nude' 

Ring - Primark (part of set)

Jacket - Vintage Fair / Bag - River Island

Thursday, 23 January 2014

January Wishlist #2 ♡

I've been doing some internet window shopping again and found lots more things that I want so I thought i'd share my second wish list of January with you! If only i had some of that christmas money left... 

(from l-r)
MONTI Cut-out Leather Boots from Topshop / Grey Oversized Cardigan from Mango / Floral Print Tunic Dress from NewLook / Phone Case from Ted Baker / Benefits' They're Real Mascara from Boots

Lots of love xo

Elf Haul

I've never tried Elf products before and I've been wanting to get some for a very long time! I finally found the time to sit down and go through the website and get what i needed, there's lots of things i want to try from Elf but being a student i don't have an awful lot of money and spending money on makeup is not what i need. But as i need things i'll probably add a few things to my basket that i probably could do without but want to try!

I haven't tried any of these products out yet as i only received them in the post today! But they look really good and there's been a few good reviews about several of the products i chose so i'm excited!

I'm particularly excited to try the Elf Eyebrow Kit as i've heard very good reviews on it and i've been desperate to try to find a new routine for my eyebrows! I'll be sure to put a review up if i really like it.

Lots of love xo

Sunday, 12 January 2014

What I Got For Christmas!

This post is very very belated, it being the 13th january i should have probably got this up earlier but unfortunately i left my camera at uni so i couldn't take any pictures of my presents and then it took me a while to get them together so i could take pictures of them! But FINALLY, here it is! What I got for christmas 2013...

So here is all of my presents, i was extremely lucky this year! Although this may not seem like a huge amount to some people but as i've got older i've realised what's really important about christmas and that's the people you're with and now the presents you receive. I got the usual lot of chocolate, pyjamas and socks and some other larger, more expensive things which i was very happy with!  

 I've been wanting to try the tangle teezer out for a very very long time and i'm so happy i got one! It's definitely one of my favourite presents, i have to admit i did keep using it and then putting it back in the box so i could bring all the packaging to uni and photograph it properly, i just couldn't resist using it though! I'm very pleased with it so far!

My very best presents were my real techniques brushes! Now, once again i couldn't resist using them which is why they're looking a little grubby! I'm very happy with them as well, i'm looking forward to getting the Starter eye set now! 

My present from my dad was another iPhone 4! Unfortunately my old one completely broke and i was really really disappointed because i feel like i cant live without an iPhone now! So he surprised me with this and i was very happy! 

These amazing Cath Kidston mugs were bought for me, by my best friend from back home Emma and i absolutely adore them, when i used to work with her at a garden centre, we sold these and i was longing for them for so long, i'm so so happy she bought them and i'm saving the especially for september when i move into my new house at uni! 

Perks of being a Wallflower is one of my favourite films of all time and i was yet to get it on DVD so my mum kindly bought it for me, i've watched it a few times already oops! The american pie collection is something i've wanted for so long, i've only watched the first one so far but i'm sure i'll get a lot of use out of this as i find the american pie films very funny!

The soap and glory scents are my favourite body sprays to wear! They're so easy just to spritz on, i also love how quick and easy the moisturiser is to spray on and go, so i'm so happy my mum surprised me with these, i definitely didn't expect to get these!

I'm very very pleased with this years haul i couldn't have asked for much more to be honest, considering i struggled compiling a list in the first place! I'm sorry the quality of these pictures is not amazing, but i really struggle with lighting in my uni room so i'm gonna have to figure something out for that! Although its late, hope everyone got everything they wanted for christmas!

Lots of love xo

Friday, 10 January 2014

River Island Black Fold Over Bag

Needed a new bag just for everyday use and after many weeks of looking (i'm very fussy with bags) i found this one for £25 from River Island! It's pretty standard but i like the gold details and the way it sits is really nice! Very happy with my new purchase :)

Lots of love xo

Friday, 3 January 2014

January Wishlist ♡

There's lots and lots of things that i want, it seems that i'm never really satisfied with what i've got, i always feel the need to go out and buy more things! It's probably that pesky shopping addiction (not the best addiction to have when you're a broke student) but hey ho, so each month i'll share a wish list or two with you to see what i'm pining for that my bank balance will not allow me to buy.

(from l-r)
Structured bag from Boohoo / Floral Rug from Urban Outfitters / High neck dress from Ebay / Velvet skirt from Missguided / Real Techniques Blush Brush from Boots

Lots of love xo

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Remembering 2013

It is now officially 2014, and what a heck of a year it's been, i thought i would remember 2013 with 12 photos, one from each month so i could have a little nostalgic look back at all the good things that have happened this year. It was ridiculously hard to pick photos because there's been so many good things happening, but i managed to whittle it down to 12. 

January's snow day spent with my two best friends, was one of the most memorable days of the winter months this year, we had so much fun sledging and throwing snowballs. Couldn't get better then that. Unfortunately Charlotte is now in South Africa volunteering at an orphanage for a year so she's definitely gonna miss any snow days of 2014 so it's great that we got a chance to spend this time together! 

Spent a lot of February with Charlotte, in fact i spent a lot of my year with her she really was one of my best friends, even after all the crap we went through it was so hard to see her go off to Africa for a year but i'm literally so proud of her for doing what she's doing, and i really really hope we can get back to how we were at this point because i was so, so happy.

March brought many nights out with my favourite work people ever, literally had some of the best nights out of my life with these people, so much fun! 

April was really spent focusing on school because final exams and coursework deadlines were coming up and it was my final year of sixth form so i had to do well, me and emma filmed our final media project together a music video for "write it on your skin" by Newton Faulkner, the finished project was actually not too bad. 

I've already talked about this holiday in a post, and although some of it turned out to be not so great, this night in this picture was possibly one of the best nights of my life so far. It was the most fun i've ever had and experiencing the atmosphere from Zante nightlife for the first time was such an amazing experience i never ever want to forget it. Also it helped that we successfully finished this giant fishbowl filled with a lot of alcohol! 

Prom was the best send off from school i could have asked for. It really was amazing to have everyone together just having a good time, and going out afterwards was the best experience ever, the whole of year 13 at AMVC taking over Flares dance floor, you couldn't ask for a better night to end a crazy two years. 

Summer was here and July brought my sister-in-law's hen do! It was a quite one because she was 7 months pregnant so we went on a lovely boat trip on the Norfolk Broads (which are wonderful by the way) and had champagne and a picnic and it was truly a lovely day, in the evening we all had a nice meal out and set off a paper lantern to mark the beginning of a wonderful new life together for both my brother, sister-in-law and my baby nephew. 

Following on from that, in August there was the wedding where i got to be Bridesmaid for my sister-in-law and my brother and i had the most wonderful time, getting to see my brother who emigrated to New Zealand was also an amazing experience and i'm so happy i got to be a part of their special day. 

September came, and it was my 19th birthday! I was just getting ready to head off to uni so it was a big one! I had a great night and i'm really happy all my friends were there to celebrate with me! 

Starting uni brought new experiences and new friends in October, i had a brilliant 2 weeks of freshers and i'd absolutely love to do it all over again! It's crazy how different it is meeting people from all walks of life, it's safe to say i've found some lovely friends and i'm really enjoying myself so far! 

October meant more time enjoying uni and more drunken photographs of course! I'm a little disappointed of how many pictures i could actually find of my entire time at uni so far, my plan for 2014 is to get my camera out more often and take some more pictures! 

And finally, December! These girls (plus katharine) are the loveliest girls i've ever met and i cannot wait to move in with them next year! We're going to have an absolute blast! I can't wait to spend the rest of the year enjoying myself with everyone i've met! 

So as i said before, couldn't have asked for a better year, it's amazing how much has changed in such a short amount of time! I can't wait to see what 2014 has to bring. 

Lots of love xo

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Well it's the 1st of January 2014, i can't believe 2013 went by so fast. It's still hard for me to believe that this time last year i was getting ready to go back to school. So many things have happened this year, going to university being the biggest lifestyle change, but i don't regret a single second, lets hope 2014 only gets better! 

To celebrate new year i went to a party with some of my friends from school, it was only a small gathering with something 25 of us there but it was so nice just to get drunk and have a good time and have my friends surrounding me! I couldn't have asked for a better way to bring in the new year. 

I hope all your new year's eve's were as eventful and enjoyable as mine was and i hope that you have a fantastic year! 

Happy new year x
