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Monday 28 April 2014

Everyday Make-up Bag!

Sorry for not being around recently, i've been busy with working over the easter holidays, i'm back at uni now and although i have work to do i have a little more free time so i can focus a little bit more on my blog.

I story my makeup in plastic containers, but for the makeup that i wear everyday, so it's easy to grab i store it in this make-up bag from Primark. It's very spacious and easy to chuck in your bag if i need to take make-up with me.

I don't store any make-up brushes in my make-up bag except a small kabuki brush because i have a separate pot which makes them easier to grab, if i need to go somewhere i'll throw whatever brushes i need in there with the makeup. 

For base products i have my W7 Prime Magic Face Primer, which makes your skin feel very silky and smooth, i have my Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation in Ivory and my Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in Transparent. I also carry my kabuki brush that i got from boots about 3 years ago! 

For eyes I have my Natural Collection Eye Lines eyeliner, which is actually my favourite pencil eyeliner, i have my Rimmel Exaggerate Eye Liner in 100% Black and i have two mascaras, sometimes i use both or sometimes i just grab the one, i have the Collection No Clumps Definition Mascara and the Rimmel Scandaleyes Flex Mascara. 

For the rest of my products i have my Rimmel Bronzing Compact Powder in Light Matte, my Elf Eyebrow kit (which i love!) my Natural Collection Cream Blusher in Rosy Pink and my EOS Lipbalm for my lips. I change up the blusher and bronzer whenever i feel like i need a change but these are the ones i'm currently using. I will also add lipstick if i'm feeling like wearing lipstick one day and i'm taking my make-up with me! 

 Storing this altogether makes it a lot easier for me to grab my makeup and do it quickly, especially when i need to be somewhere and i'm running late!

Monday 14 April 2014

Apologies, update and change.

Sorry I've been a bit AWOL recently, i've been super swamped with uni work and work work and i just haven't had the time! This time of year gets seriously crazy and i've had a hard time keeping on top of everything, but it's almost summer which means lots of blogging! (:

Update update update, i don't really know what to tell ya, lifes been pretty much the same, i got a summer job which i've started so i'm going to be super busy with that earning money and trying to get out of my pesky overdraft! I'd like to do lots in the summer, in particular go to leeds festival but we're going to see what happens pay wise, i'm getting a lot of hours and decent pay in this job so hopefully i'll be able to manage my finances well enough so i can go and have a decent amount of money left to enjoy freshers part 2 in september!

So as of june i officially rent a house, A HOUSE?! what?! i mean, its a student house but still! It's crazy that it's already been a year of university, it feels like yesterday i was moving in and meeting my flatmates. It's been a crazy year and i can only hope it will get crazier. I can't wait to organise my room for next year and properly decorate it, i'm currently in the midst of decorating my room at home to make it more homely so i'll share some of that with you and how i'm going to decorate my room in my uni house! I love decorating right now!

I think that's about it for now! Will give you a DIY decorating update in just a bit! But for now goodbye!